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Fri, 17-May-2024
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02:25:48 Hours
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This introductory course is designed to teach kids the fundamentals of computers and programming in Python, a popular and versatile programming language. Through engaging hands-on activities and projects, kids will learn how to code their own programs, create games, and solve problems using Python
  • A computer with an internet connection
  • Python installed on the computer
  • A web browser to access the course materials
  • Understand the basic concepts of computers and programming: They will gain a foundational understanding of how computers work, the different types of computers, and the fundamental principles of programming.
  • Write simple Python programs: They will learn the syntax and structure of the Python programming language, enabling them to write basic programs that perform simple tasks.
  • Create their own games using Python: They will develop the skills to design and build basic games using Python, incorporating graphics, sound effects, and game mechanics.
  • Solve problems using Python programming: They will apply their programming knowledge to solve real-world problems, learning to break down problems into smaller steps and develop algorithmic solutions.
  • Develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills: The course will nurture their ability to think logically, analyze problems, and approach challenges with a creative mindset.